night's rain continued; in fact it was pouring down and stayed like that all
day which put a wee bit of a dampener on today's proceedings. Iain and
Anne went down to 6 Henderson Row to spend the day at Maggie and Andy's
house. I
meanwhile went up to Ewart's Newsagents at Oxgangs Broadway and bought a copy
of a new publication called the Rangers
News and also the Radio Times. The Gers are quite go-ahead with their
own publication; with a big fan base I suppose they reckon it will pay off
attracting a big readership.
of the reason I bought the Radio Times was because there's a wee feature about
the European Athletics Championships from Helsinki which starts soon; I really
like watching the athletics on the box.
I ended up staying in all day; in the evening we had a right laugh
with Maggie 'n Andy.
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