I did the milk around the lovely tree
lined streets of Morningside. Once I'm up I enjoy being out 'n about on a
lovely summer's morning; I like this time of the day; it's got a different feel
to it. The birds are in full voice and singing away, particularly the blackie.
It's already warm and light; the world is still quiet but slowly coming to
life with all the potential of a full day in front of me. I love the
sensation of the physical exercise hopping on 'n off the milk float darting up
'n down the garden paths with either silver, red or gold tops; it's great building up a wee sweat and enjoying the feeling of being lean, fit and
athletic; I'm definitely in my prime. It's all enhanced by knowing that I don’t have to go
into school; it's something parked away on the horizon in August or the Twelfth of
After some cornflakes 'n milk I went down to the garage to put in
another shift at the National Garage. When you’re multi-tasking on the work
front somehow the variety makes it feel like it's not really work at all plus
it's all new and novel. My wee kiosk on the forecourt is great; I have to
nip out every now and then to serve petrol to the customers. You tend to feel a wee bit
more of an expert with the women customers than the men but they're all very
pleasant to me and you get an occasional tip too.
Mid-afternoon I went down to
Baird's Newsagents. Pamela Baird was very pleased with me as yesterday I'd sold
every single Edinburgh Evening News around the City Hospital wards. It's a good
feeling getting positive feedback. It makes you want to get out there and
deliver the goods again to get more praise. I suppose that's what they call motivation but I think it's more than that, because I like pleasing people through doing
something for them.
I don't know why but late afternoon I felt very sick; it wasn't a nice
feeling' perhaps I maybe had too much sun. However I made a decent recovery
as Ali Douglas and I have been out looking for the 'icey'. Whilst we were
doing that we went down to the dodgy Rowntree's vending machine. Ali got three
extra packets whilst I got one. We eventually found the 'icey' but only after
searching Tony's down, way up at Oxgangs Farm Drive.
Loved it Peter. Great storytelling .