Well I'm no longer 14 and a half as it's my 15th birthday today. I
kicked off the morning with my paper round but of course I didn’t venture into
Boroughmuir School; after all it is the second last day of term not to mention
my birthday!
Mum and Dad on honeymoon Islay September 1955
I'd be stretching it a bit to say it was a birthday present but
Mum and Dad's divorce came through. Rather strange and poignant that it should
be on the date of their first born's birth-day; life’s gone full circle. On a
happier note I did very well for my birthday.
I got Aunt Heather's typewriter
so perhaps I might do some writing; also a wee transistor radio which will be
handy to listen to Tony Blackburn to in the morning when I'm out 'n about doing
my paper round and also for listening to the football and Radio Luxembourg in
the evening.
I also got Rags to
Riches by Elvis; it’s a great track; and also a fiver from Dad. In the
evening we all enjoyed a wee birthday tea with Nana’s fantastic home-made
chocolate birthday cake, always a highlight. We all had a good game of football
after tea. The day was finished off with a poke of chips from Rissi's; not a
bad birthday at all; actually it was a pretty good one all round.
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