Having stayed over at Oxgangs
last night I had a nice long lie in bed until 10.05am. when Paul awoke the
household; he'd cycled up from Broomhouse Place. Later on at lunchtime I went
down to Waugh & Son, Butchers & Poulterers at Morningside to meet Gaga
to get a lift back home to Porty.
James Waugh: photograph SPL
I mucked about all afternoon.
Later on
he also ran me up to Meadowbank. I felt very tired so just
took it very easy at training. I'm fed up too. A mix of feeling whacked but
perhaps after the high of winning the Scottish Youth title I'm just coming back
down to planet Earth. And not helped by it being the last day of my mini-break
and returning tomorrow to the grind and toil of Thomas Graham & Son, Builders
& Plumbers Merchants 51 Balcarres Street.
Training: 10 x 60 metres; very easy - I was feeling tired
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