Well, after our Stobo Peebleshire camping holiday it was back down to earth again
as I was back out on the early shift on the milk round with Douglas but this
time Alison Blades (6/6 Oxgangs Avenue) joined us. She’s a lot better after
having to come home early from Stobo with heatstroke. She fair enjoyed being
out as it was such a novelty so it made it more fun for us too. Paul Forbes and I
visited the RAF offices at 21 Hanover Street again and got more information
about joining up as a PT Instructor.
It sounds like quite a good life not that
I’ve ever been in a plane but most of the time you would be on the ground
taking the training. We decided to go back to our sales jobs again and turned
up at Coates Crescent but disappointingly the boss separated us between the two
vans. I got nine customers so was top man and got a handy ten shillings bonus so
I’ve not lost my touch. On the way back we stopped off for some juice ‘n chips.
Good night Retep.
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