Ali; Boo-Boo; Les and
I went for a very long cycle run today. We set off seeking out adventure
feeling as fit as butchers dugs! We set off mid-morning and cycled all the way
out to Dalkeith with a few breaks en-route. It was a pretty long way compared
to being in Gaga’s car; they all depended on me for directions.
We took
the old back roads from Oxgangs which are lined with all the lovely Scottish
hedgerow plants like thistles; buttercups; pink clover; cow parsley and
primroses. It was a hot day and we arrived at London Road Dalkeith feeling
pretty thirsty and of course with no money.
With everybody's encouragement
I plucked up the courage to call round to Pumpa’s (great-grandfather aged 89
years) house at London Road. All he offered us was a glass of water so we
really didn’t bother hanging around too long. At the very least I was hoping we
could get some of his Cremola Foam but he was having none of it. He's
always been a bit of an inhospitable auld bugger but at his age what can you
expect. Although I'm one of nine great grand-children I don’t really mean
anything to him.
Photograph SPL
We didn’t hang around Dalkeith for too long and instead cycled
down to Portobello going past the old Cockatoo pub at old Craighall and down to
Durham Road to Nana and Gaga’s where we were guaranteed to get a braw welcome
and a massive feed as well as drinking down gallons of orange squash. It's great being able to take friends
round to Nana’s knowing they're all so well received despite some dubious
manners on all our parts. We had bacon and eggs and she also rattled up
some scones and buns too.
Nana’s back garden is at its lovely best. It's the
height of summer and we all wandered about and then sat out for a while on the
garden seats. Boo-Boo was eating the goose-gogs! In fact after all our cycling
today, followed by a slap-up feed and sitting in the sun, we were all starting
to stiffen up and nod off to sleep especially me being the only one up who was
up at the crack of dawn to do my milk run.
Photograph Wullie Croal
I was just thinking what a prospect
- seven miles uphill back home through Arthurs Seat to Oxgangs. However once we got going and
re-energised and with everyone's good company we soon got into our stride
again; mind going along Morningside into Comiston Road was a bit of a long haul
and with the prospective climb up through Greenbank to follow we instead cut through
Braidburn Valley.
We all got back home to the Stair around 7pm - tired but
happy; a long fun-filled day with lots of good laughs - just how we should
spend a school summer's holiday with adventures aplenty before the dark prospect
on the near horizon as Boroughmuir and Firhill all start again next week.
Back home at 6/2 Oxgangs Avenue I sat
and watched the first day of the European Championships. I love my athletics;
however a bit of a disappointment for Britain; Dave Bedford was dismal in the
10000 metres final. They pulverised him on the last lap. David Coleman was braw
on the commentary as always but perhaps he built him up just a wee bit too much
but Bedford did break the European record on a hot day at Portsmouth a few
weeks back.
Afterwards I went out to the coolness of an Oxgangs evening to
have a wee chin-wag with Reg (Brian Rennie) and Guy Henderson. Oxgangs is a
braw place in many ways with the only downside really being an undercurrent of
violence and bullying from a few guys who I dislike and tend to avoid.
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