I did the week's
messages down at the Store. On the way down I somehow managed to lose a quid -
a flipping disaster. That's a week's wages from my job at Baird’s Newsagents.
Anyway on the way back I retraced my footsteps and managed to find it - PHEW!
No Anne or Iain at home and Mum's away
out so I was in on my own at 6/2 and stayed in all evening and watched telly;
for me it was a perfect evening. First of all at 6.20pm the European
Athletics Championships were on and Edinburgh's David Jenkins won the 400
metres. He ran absolutely brilliantly from the outside lane; he just took off
like a bat out of hell flying down the back straight and remained strong right
to the end just holding off the Italian. What an athlete he is. He's still only
nineteen - that's only four years older than me. I think I can forget about any
occasional dreams I might have about the running! He's a great sprinter as
was the Russian bloke who won the 200 metres, Valery Borzov from Russia - he's
a machine!
After all that excitement I lolled back on the couch and watched ‘The
Virginian. John McIntyre is in the series now playing a good part as Clay
Grainger; he's less tart than Lee J. Cobb's the Judge - all 'n all a
consistently good series. Afterwards I watched ‘It's A Knockout’ - what a
flipping laugh; it was just a pity Iain wasn’t here to share the fun
Tomorrow morning I'm doing Dougie Blades' paper run. Dougie's away
trainspotting. I'll be selling all the different morning papers around the City
Hospital wards. Pamela Baird must have confidence in me as it's the top job at
the shop which must have around twenty paper runs. I've made the top of my
profession aged only fifteen years old - at least temporarily!
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